Introduce the concept of place value with this two sided place value mat. A great printable to have on hand whenever place value work is done.
5 Day Hopscotch: 5 Essential Printables For 1st Grade Math
Day 2: My Place Value Mat
The second printable in my 5 Essential Printables For 1st Grade Math is the My Place Value Mat. I noticed my daughter was struggling a bit with the concept of place value and I wanted to make something for her that would help. In Kindergarten, she only worked with tens and ones, but 1st grade math introduces hundreds and it’s time to sharpen her understanding of place values.
The first side of the mat is basically just concept introduction. After laminating and trimming the mat, she can use dry erase markers to write her number on the top. Then, she can use base ten blocks, or cutouts to work out the tens and ones (and soon hundreds!) needed for each column. We replace the manipulatives in each column by writing the number they represent, then link it back to the number she originally wrote.
On the back side of the mat, I added some blocks for her to write in numbers as she gets more familiar with the place value concept. This way she can write a series of numbers before she has to erase them all.
While I don’t anticipate her needing to use this mat for a long period of time, I feel that already it has helped her with place value. She’s already answering her place value questions without the mat now, and we’ll bring it out again when we introduce the hundreds column.
If your student hasn’t mastered place value yet, Try printing this mat and having them use it for awhile. I hope it helps lock in the concept of place value for your younger kiddos!
This printable is part of a hopscotch series of 5 Essential Printables for 1st Grade Math. Be sure to check out the other days to download all the essential 1st grade math printables I made!
If you want more hopscotch fun, click on the iHomeschoolNetwork image at the bottom of this page.
With love,
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Continue to Day 3 For More Hopscotch Fun! –>
<– Missed yesterday’s printable? Check out Day 1!

Live on 8/9/17
Fun Amazon Finds For This Printable:
1st Grade Math Manipulatives on Amazon:
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