About PK1HomeschoolFUN
What You’ll Find Here At PK1HomeschoolFUN.com
Here on my site you’ll find free printable lesson packs, homeschool printables, encouragement, and ideas all geared towards teaching preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students. Most activities are easily adaptable for this age range and can even be expanded upon for older students.
I do charge for a couple of things such as my customizable curriculum bookmarks and my bonus pack for Phonics Pirates. These transactions are handled through the PayPal gateway so that I never collect credit card information on my site.
When You Can Expect To Find The Next Great Post Or Freebie
If I could, I would make printables and blog all day long. But with homeschooling all my kiddos and another baby on the way, I often have to choose laundry, cooking & cleaning over my website!
You may hear from me weekly, or you may not hear from me for months. I know it’s not good for business, but it’s my reality right now and I’ve come to accept that. I hope you’ll subscribe and stay with me through this journey – you never know what I’ll make next!
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Why I Do What I Do
Before I became a stay at home mom I had all sorts of random jobs. I learned a lot of varied skills and became fairly proficient in many areas, but never became enough of an expert to have a solid career in any of them. Now that I’m homeschooling my children I’m finding that all sorts of things I’ve learned during my life have a wonderful application here in our home. It’s with those skills that I’m now realizing I can learn to make fun videos and lessons to help my family and yours have supplemental material to teach our children.
I’ve always been an “idea girl.” I can sit down and write a list of 100 different ideas to pursue to supplement our income, but nothing I’ve ever tried really worked out. Now with this endeavor my idea factory of a brain finally finds a home. Schooling my girls is a daily adventure that gives me an unending stream of ideas for lessons and printables.
Supplementing our income is still in a dream phase. It would be amazing to have even an extra $40 to help out with groceries some day. While I know that shouldn’t be the focus of my work, I can’t help admitting that it’s still a dream in my heart.
My husband is my rock in this area. He keeps me focused on the “why.” He reminds me of how amazing it is that something I create could help another family. And as I see more pictures of other families using my materials, it really does bring a giant sense of accomplishment and joy.
How I Make Money (Someday!)
My marketing strategy is designed to keep my readers connected to me as much as possible without having to use much third party advertising.
Google Adsense. Most of my income comes from ads on my site. I try to keep them to a minimum so they are not too cumbersome.
Printable Upsells / Bonus Packs. I don’t ever want to stop offering great free printables, so my approach is to offer complete printable lesson packs for free with the option to purchase a bonus pack. The bonus pack may be additional games or activities, or another version of the lesson pack for additional content. I am set up for PayPal micro payments so I can charge tiny amounts for these products. All my paid content ranges from 50 cents to $2 and is handled through PayPal’s secure payment gateway.
About My Homeshooling Adventure
Homeschooling has been an amazing adventure, and to be quite honest, a very redeeming one. All my life I’ve searched for something of deep meaning that I could devote my whole self to. I wanted to be a full time missionary for so long but the circumstances never worked out. I found myself in odd jobs and endeavors and though God’s favor always went with me, I never felt any deep sense of purpose in any of it.
By the very rich grace of God I met and married a wonderful man with a golden heart. We have been blessed beyond measure with three beautiful girls. The decision to homeschool felt like it had been made in my heart decades ago, though I had never really even dreamed of having my own family. For the very first time in my life, I had something that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was destined and fully equipped for.
I still long for some type of full time ministry, but I’m allowing God to show me how to fulfill that longing through teaching my girls. And I just can’t get enough of the wonder and adventure and excitement of homeschooling! The world is full of amazing, wonderful things to learn and explore and every day I get to be a part of that adventure, seeing the wonder through my children’s eyes. What a gift!
As my husband is self employed, we have taken a bit of a financial risk for me to stay home and school our children. But though our income is variable, our God is not and every single month our rent gets paid and we have food in our fridge. That’s going on 7 years of monthly testimonies right there! ShaBAM! 🙂
How To Contact Me
I would love to hear from you! You may use the contact form below to send me an email. I’m also on all the social media sites as well, so let’s connect. 🙂
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Advertising Opportunities
Please contact me for advertising opportunities on my site including paid sidebar ads and cross traffic advertisements free of charge (sidebar link swap). Use the contact form above to inquire about advertising.
Disclosure & Disclaimer
Some posts on this blog contain affiliate links. I receive a small commission whenever a product is purchased through these links. Occasionally, I may receive products in exchange for a review or giveaway post. All opinions expressed on PK1HomeschoolFUN are solely my own, and I only suggest products or services that we personally use or I believe will be helpful to my readers.
Terms of use
By downloading any material on my site you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- You may not sell, repost, host, share, or distribute any file downloaded on my site.
- You may not link directly to the file source or share the download links that you receive in your purchase email. Please link to the webpage on my site that offers the download when sharing.
- You may not claim or sell my files, original artwork, or written material as your own.
- You may not sell any PK1HomeschoolFUN created materials.
- You may not download and host any of my videos on another site.
- You MAY use these materials for personal, classroom, church, and homeschool group use.
- For school-wide or multiple church use, please contact me for a commercial license.
If you have any questions regarding my terms and conditions, please contact me and I’ll be happy to clarify them and wo