Free Christmas List Brainstorming Worksheet For Kids

Focus on giving this Christmas by leading your young ones to think about what will bless their friends and family. This free printable Christmas Gift List will help your kids focus on “giving, not getting” this year.

Christmas Gift Brainstorming Worksheet For Kids

A Christmas Gift List Printable For Kids

How do we keep the magic of Christmas safe from greed and materialism with young children? I remember having such a difficult time last Christmas as my girls were finally old enough to want stuff. I did my best to keep them focused on what Christmas really meant and why we give presents. I learned that keeping it simple was best, and if there was one concept I wanted them to really understand it was that “Christmas is about giving, not getting.

That phrase turned into our family motto last Christmas and it was wonderful. Whenever the kids asked for something, we’d all chant “Christmas is about giving, not getting!” while I secretly took note of what was really a special desire of their heart or just a passing whim.

We made a point of participating in a few programs to buy toys for needy families and I believe that really helped. And I took them to the dollar store and let them buy presents for family members. All season long, I tried to keep their focus on others, turning their interest from what they wanted to what they thought would bless others’ hearts.

christmas list

This year I’ve got my work cut out for me.  My oldest is 6 now and she’s already asking for way more than she ever did. I’m starting to say our Christmas motto again, over and over. I’ll be looking for lots of ways again this year to make Christmas about giving.

Help Kids Plan Their Gift Giving With This Free Printable Christmas List

I made this printable real quick to help them start focusing their Christmas excitement on giving presents. It’s very simple and little ones can either write or draw their ideas. It’s just a small printable but I thought I’d share in case anyone else finds it useful. It took my girls awhile to get into it, but once they started, they had fun calling people and asking what they like and drawing pictures of what they wish they could get them.


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Free Christmas Gift List Printable

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2024-02-16T20:52:55-07:00November 28th, 2021|FeaturedRecent, Holidays, Printable|7 Comments


  1. Jenn Roberts December 1, 2015 at 2:53 pm - Reply

    This is a great idea! Thanks for sharing! You always have cute printables 😀

    • pk1admin December 5, 2015 at 9:38 am - Reply

      Aw, thanks! 🙂

  2. […] of Christmas with all the toy advertisements and commercialism surrounding us. Here is a simple FREE Christmas Giving worksheet from PK1HomeschoolFUN to help your youngest children start thinking about giving instead of getting […]

  3. Emma December 10, 2015 at 11:42 am - Reply

    What a great idea! My daughter is 6 too – it seems to be the year for the “gimmies” to really kick in! #ThoughtfulSpot

  4. […] Christmas Brainstorming Worksheet by PK1 Homeschool Fun […]

  5. Moriah Steiner January 5, 2016 at 11:27 am - Reply

    I know it’s past Christmas, but I’m finally getting the chance to catch up on my blog reading and I LOVE this idea! Will have to use it at other times throughout the year I think! Thanks for linking up!

  6. […] Christmas Brainstorming Worksheet by PK1 Homeschool Fun […]

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