Do you love handprint crafts but want something low prep and easy for this 4th of July? You’ll love this free printable hand print craft your child can complete in just minutes!
FREE Printable Handprint Flag Craft For 4th of July
I just love hand print crafts, but this busy momma has trouble getting it to happen! Make it easy on yourself and print out these free printable flags for an easy craft you can put together in just minutes.
You can use the black & white versions to let your littles do a bit more coloring – even trace their hands instead of stamp with paint. Most kids can do all those steps without an adults help, especially if older siblings trace the younger ones hands. That makes for a fun craft your kids can do on their own.
Or, if you’re wanting to do a handprint craft without a bunch of materials and prep work, print out the full color flags and simply stamp your child’s painted hand in the blue square. Ta-da! Handprint craft in minutes! Don’t you feel smart??? 🙂
I hope you enjoy these printables. They’re simple, but a fun and oh-so-easy way to celebrate the 4th of July!
With love,
Fun Amazon Finds For This Printable:
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