
penpal printables

For a long time I have loved the idea of penpals and writing letters to family members and friends as a way to build creative writing and handwriting skills for my kids. My efforts to encourage letter writing in the past were always sabotaged by the infamous “I don’t know what to write” dilemma.

To solve this problem, I’ve created a Pen Pal letter prompt worksheet of sorts. I feel like this is perfect for the level my kids are at. My 4 year old can draw pictures for most her answers and can practice writing some letters. My 6 year old can read the prompt and write more sentences. She can also practice writing her address.

And I just love her having her own little address book. I printed the covers on cardstock, punched two holes in the margin, and tied the little book together with string. Now she can keep all her family and friend’s addresses and write to them whenever she wants.

I’m really hoping this will foster a love of letter writing in my kids and I sure do love involving our extended family in their education. And you know those grandparents just loooooove hearing from their gkids! Everybody wins 🙂

I hope this printable blesses you in some way. Please share it with whoever you think might enjoy it!


 More writing prompt fun:


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