Take a look at the online homeschool planner that’s saving moms everywhere from homeschool burnout and overwhelm. Meet Homeschool Planet.
I was compensated for my time reviewing Homeschool Planet, but all my opinions here are honest – I want to help YOU in your choice of homeschool curriculum!
TL;DR: Homeschool Planet offers a robust online planner for homeschooling and life at a very reasonable price.
Add all your kids’ classes and assignments by setting up your school calendar and importing lesson plans or making your own. Kids access their own planners through their unique logins and simply check off their assignments as they complete them. A plethora of coding wizardry provides impressive customization features that transform this planner into the new best friend you’ll never want to homeschool without.
The Year I Discovered My Great Need For An Online Homeschool Planner
I was completely in over my head.
Homeschooling three kids while wrangling a young toddler – this wasn’t an easy gig at all.
To top it off I was incredibly stubborn. I had a vision and I wasn’t willing to let it dissolve into the chaos of spinning all these plates. I wanted it all.
I wanted to follow my heart and teach my kids from our varying interests. But I also wanted to make sure my kids were learning, progressing, not falling behind.
I wanted to do the nature studies, wow-invoking science experiments, art projects that end in glitter everywhere and paint stained hands.
But managing it all – while making sure we were checking all the boxes of our core subjects – no one was making that curriculum all boxed up with a pretty bow.
This Online Planner from Homeschool Planet Saved My Homeschool Vision
I don’t even remember how I learned about Homeschool Planet – an extremely robust and flexible online planner that my whole family found ways to use.
I do remember when I went on a bit of a rabbit trail looking for an online planner that could make my picture perfect homeschool vision happen.
A few I tried failed us miserably.
Their cute user interfaces and slick mobile apps impressed at first glance. But it didn’t take long to realize their shortfalls. I was willing to make something work, yet these other planners were light years from what I needed. I was beyond frustrated.
Then I met Homeschool Planet.
And fell in love.
All The Features, Tailored To Your Every Need
Before I dive into all the features and benefits to using Homeschool Planet as your online planner, I kinda want to tell you that I’m a bit of a nerd.
In my pre-motherhood days I dabbled in computer programming.
(DId your eyes just glass over? Stay with me here, I promise it’s relevant.)
I mention this because the moment I started to customize our Homeschool Planet online planner, I completely nerded out.
Right out of the gate, this planner is awesome. It’s easy to set up, too. But once you need a little more (think: customizing school days, auto-populating assignment names, and pushing out dates for missed work) the superiority of this planner is all you can think about. There’s some great code behind this beast of a planner.
I guess that’s why I’m a super fan. 🙂
But what about you?
What things are you looking for in an online homeschool planner?
Because I’m willing to bet you’ll find it all in this online homeschooling planner from Homeschool Planet.
Let’s find out.
💻Individual Logins
Individual Logins For You & Your Kids
My kids love that they have their own logins. They can log in and customize their own planners. They see exactly what they need to do for the day, and check off each task as they complete them.
They can also see if there are appointments, field trips, or special things on the calendar by switching to calendar view.
There’s some great real life skill building happening here for every age.

🏫Customizable School Days
Setup Your School Calendar To Match The Days You Do Schoolwork
One of the very best features of Homeschool Planet is that you can set up your school year and your class schedules and assignments will automatically adjust.
Our family has always done a 4 day work week. For many years we did school work Monday through Thursday and ended our week with Fun Friday. Now we have outside classes on Thursdays, so we do school work Monday thru Wednesday and Friday.
Homeschool Planet allows you to change and customize your schedule at any time. Remember me nerding out over the code? Watching your assignments automatically reassign themselves after you remove a day from your class schedule is yes, a serious nerd out moment!

📎 Links & Uploads
Add Links & Uploads To Classes & Lessons
This is one feature I used more and more of. It’s actually the main reason I fell hard for Homeschool Planet. As an eclectic homeschooler, I loved piecing together my kids’ assignments based on what we were working on.
Homeschool Planet allows you to attach links to YouTube videos, any URL, pdfs, etc. I absolutely loved being able to attach a pdf. My kids were even able to draw on the pdfs when they opened on their Chromebooks and print them when they completed their work.
You could also do things like add a link to a lesson to watch and complete on Khan Academy. We also were able to link to the kids’ Science Fusion lessons.
You can also add notes to a class or an assignment. We used this extensively to add the main access links for educational sites and record their usernames and passwords.

👨👧👧Class Management
Create Classes For Each Subject And Include Specific Children
You can set up subjects and classes for your kids. So if your older kids do writing assignments together and your younger kids do something different, you can group your kids together in their classes.
When kids log in, they only see the classes they’re assigned to, so it gives them an uncluttered work list that’s easy peasy.

💯 Grading, Report Cards, & Records
Your online homeschool planner does even more.
You can choose on a class by class basis whether or not to enable grading. There’s a grading assistant that keeps you on track, and the grade reports are simple and slick. We really loved being able to give the kids report cards.
And if you’re homeschooling high school privately, you’ll love that Homeschool Planet includes transcripts in their online planner.
Paired with the ability to also track attendance, Homeschool Planet’s online planner allows you to be fully compliant with even the strictest state’s homeschool standards.

👩🏫 Importable Lesson Plans
Bring In Lesson Plans For Popular Curriculum (Your 1st One Is Free)
If you happen to be using a purchased curriculum, you may be able to import their lesson plan directly into your planner. Packaged curriculum like Aplogia, IEW, and Beautiful Feet Books are among the hundreds of curriculum lesson plans that are ready to plug into your planner.
Imagine not having to type in every assignment but having them auto populate, perfectly paced out according to your school calendar.
Don’t have a digital lesson plan you can import? Homeschool Planet can learn your lesson plan naming patterns and auto populate your assignments. For example, if your child should read 2 chapters in Little House on the Prairie each school day, Homeschool Planet can enter the chapter numbers until the last chapter automatically for you.
And after you’ve done all the work of creating a class with your unique lessons, you can reuse these lesson plans over and over for future classes.

📚 Manage Homeschool Resources
(So You Don’t Forget What You Have)
I hate to admit how many times I remembered only after the fact that I had “the perfect thing for that!” hiding in my homeschool closet. One day I started adding all the science models, math manipulatives, and educational games into my Homeschool Planet planner. Next, when I set up classes, I checked my resource list and added them to the classes they were relevant to.
No more missed opportunities to use that homeschool gold collecting dust!
📝 Create Shared To-Do's & Lists
(Great For Passwords, Meal Planning, & More!)
You and your kids can add a variety of sidebar widgets including to do lists, shopping lists, quotes, Bible verses, and more. We ended up using the lists primarily to keep passwords my kiddos kept forgetting.
As time went on we found all sorts of things to use these lists for. Group to-do lists, book lists, even meal planning!

Look, I get it. Planners are personal and we all need to find something that’s just right for us and our lifestyles. Personally, I just can’t say enough great things about Homeschool Planet’s Online Planner.
It’s one of the homeschool products I won’t shut up about.
I just remember what it was like before – searching everywhere online for something to tame this crazy mess of organizing all my kids’ schoolwork and lessons.
There’s nothing quite like landing on the perfect solution – and never looking back.
With a whole month to try it out, it’s really a no brainer. Go snag a free 30 day trial and try it for yourself.
Once you get the hang of it, you won’t ever want to homeschool without Homeschool Planet.
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